Meet Our Team
We are truly blessed and thankful for the gifted servants who give of themselves at The Orchard Church.

Vonda Bledsoe
Deaconess of Care Ministry

Matt Knoll
Deacon of I.T.
Scott Swanson

Hello, my name is Scott Swanson. I had the privilege of joining the team at The Orchard in July 2009 as Pastor of Family Ministries. I have spent many years working with youth both inside and outside the church, including a long history of coaching, especially wrestling. I graduated from Judson College with a business degree focused in management and leadership. After almost 17 years working in the business world, I followed the call I had long felt and entered ministry full time. Later, I received my Master's of Divinity from Bethel Seminary. As of April 1, 2018, Easter Sunday, I had the joy of transitioning into the role of senior pastor at The Orchard. I am excited about the work that God is doing at The Orchard, and am eager to help people develop spiritually, integrating their faith into all aspects of their daily lives. It is my desire that as people come to The Orchard they experience authentic worship of God, hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly presented, are challenged and encouraged by the Word of God and connect with others who are also seeking to love God and love others.
I have a passion for missions and a special place in my heart for Haiti. I am blessed to serve as Vice-President on the U.S. board for Real Love Ministries International, a Haitian ministry based in Lafito, Haiti which has an orphanage, a school, and a soon to be open medical clinic.
I have been married to my wife, Dorene, since 1990. We began dating as freshmen at Northern Illinois University where Dorene finished her undergraduate work. She also has received a masters from George Washington University. I am so thankful for her support and encouragement. She is a constant blessing to me. We have two grown sons, Stuart and Spencer, and a daughter, Gina. Each is wonderful in his and her own way. And each is loved dearly.
I enjoy working on cars, especially the 1976 Jeep CJ7 I am building. I also enjoys playing guitar (although I play very basically). I enjoy listening to Rich Mullins, Needtobreathe, and Todd Agnew among many others.
My favorite Bible verses are:
John 14:6. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'."
Micah 6:8. "He has told you. O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
I would love to have you join us on a Sunday as we worship our God; whether you have been a follower of Jesus for many years, are a new believer, or someone who is searching and seeking answers.
Jeremy Shepherd

Hello, my name is Jeremy Shepherd. I am the Pastor of Family Ministries since November 2021. I grew up in Schofield, WI before moving away when I went off to college. I spent 7 years at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, IA. In those seven years, God gave me a heart for ministry and a love for his word. I met my wife, Kris, at college and we have now been married for almost 20 years. I served in both the regular
workplace and in ministry before accepting the call to come on staff at the Orchard. God used Falls Creek, my pastor, Kris, and other men in my life to call me back into church ministry after serving at a Christian at risk boys ranch for four years. God opened doors to allow me and my family to go back into church ministry on a full-time basis.
I have 5 kids that are unique and special. They range in age from 7 to 16 years old…Austin, Jayden, Trenton, Jillian, and Daniel. I enjoy many things like reading, playing games, movies, sports, and listening to music. I have always been mesmerized by waterfalls and I would love to visit as many of them as possible. My favorite animal has always been a tiger and especially the white tiger. I grew up in Wisconsin, so I love all my sports teams from Wisconsin, especially the Packers and the Brewers. I listen to a variety of music. My favorite movie of all time is Dances with Wolves. I am an emotional person, and I am married to an incredible supportive and caring wife, I would not be where I am in life without her support, strength, and character.
I hold strong to some passages and verses: Psalm 20:7, Romans 8, Colossians 1, Ecclesiastes, the Gospel of John, and the book of Hebrews. I love many books and have been really challenged to never stop learning, reading, and growing. I look forward to serving and impacting the community of McHenry and the Orchard Church with the
gospel and to build strong families centered on the Word of God.
Psalm 20:7. "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."